1. Wear no heels on board
Just very simply said, they are not comfy and nobody will be impressed by it here. Also if anything happens and you will be forced to slide down the emergency slide, you will have troubles running to it, plus you have to take them off. Too much stress i think.
2. Take care of your skin
This means no makeup on board as the air up here is very dry (only around 12% of humidity) leaving it looking dry and rough and with make up your pores are clocked, which does not help. You should want to hydrate your skin with a moisturizer, which you cannot do over makeup. Hand cream, lip balm, eye drops are also a great thing.
You should also think about creams with SPF as you are way closer to the sun, which means the sun's rays are even more harmful. And trust me, baby, you truly can get sunburn onboard!

3. Don't use the tap water on the toilet - nor order hot drinks
There has been a research which says that there is the presence of microorganisms in the water, including the total coliform bacteria! The water tanks do not get cleaned very often (actually once in three to 6 months) and the water filling valve is located right next to the waste pipe ... do i even need to continue?
4. Don't wear white and expensive clothing
Aircraft can be pretty dirty, not all of the surfaces and corners get washed. Also, unexpected turbulence can happen and you may have a coffee or somebodies pasta on your brand new clothing.
5. Sanitize your spot
This is not paranoia, just common sense of too many people using one closed space. More about germs on board in this article.
6.Organize yourself and don´t bring too much
The aircraft is small and you share it with a lot of people. if you have jackets and luggage and handbags and bags from duty-free, You will spend way more time in the aisle, organizing yourself and packing away as well as trying to find something. You will block or hit others and trust me, that is not a nice start of your holiday.
7. Don´t drink alcohol on board
The aeroplane´s air pressure equals a height of approximately 2.000 metres. Meaning there is low oxygen availability in your blood and so you get drunk way faster than on the ground. Also, we spoke about the dry air and alcohol has diuretic effects, which can make it even worse.

8. Bring your own food
Airlines catering is nothing great i mean, that is obvious. It is usually full of salt and preservatives. Some airlines do not allow you to change your food option or they want an additional fee for it. I always eat before and take some healthy snacks with. Flying is demanding and eating properly is key to stay healthy.
9.Dress accordingly
Even though you are boarding your flight from a sunny beach location, you are flying up high where the temperature is -50°C and the onboard climate is no better. So prefer to take closed shoes or at least spare socks and if not a sweater than at least a scarf. The last thing you want is to get ill due to the aircon.

10.Pack for a full day in your hand luggage
It is rare but it can happen, that your luggage gets lost or damaged. If you land in your final destination and find out your luggage did not, you will be happy to have spear clothing and some basics to get you through the first days, before they find it for you.
11. Bring your blanket and pillow
In a nutshell, these do not get washed regularly and who knows who used it before you. I write more about it in a "How not to get sick while travelling" blog post.
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Thanks for these tips. I never went on crew but I have dream to go once.
My mother used to be a stewardess back in the 50's for Eastern airlines, I always remember her saying she had to really take care of her skin from drying out from the altitude.
Thank you for this post! :) I had no idea about the sink water in the bathroom (GROSS). The no heels, no makeup, and no fancy clothes are great tips for ladies. I did not realize that the dry air will wreak havoc on your skin, and make a person look older with makeup.