Well, it's been three months since a little smurf came into our lives and turned it upside down. It is true, that you realize how time flies only when you have children, when you can see them grow. After all, it hasn´t been that long ago where he could almost fit just to the palms of my hands and now, only three month later, i can truly get short of breath under his weight when laying on my chest :) What did we discover, learn or where did we go wrong during those three months? Continue reading...

Have you just dished for yourself, made a coffee, sat down with a book or put head on a pillow? Perfect time to wake up, start crying and seek attention! It works in 99.9% of occasions!
They grow so damn fast! Especially in the first three months, when I felt like I was doing nothing else but ordering clothes. From size 50, it became 68 very quickly! And baby clothes costs almost the same amount as adult clothes, for example a bodysuit in Lindex costs almost three hundred crowns (12eur) and they literally wear it only couple times and that is it. But we want our children to be adorably stylish, right? Then be sure to check out Brumla.cz which is an online second hand in the Czech republic not only with children's clothes at a fraction of the price and we found lots of treasures there, like cloths (brand new) from Zara, H&M, GAP and others. Then it can be sold again on Vinted, for example.
Articles, friends, blogs, family, doctors ... everyone will tell you something else and everyone is "right" but who to really believe and what info to choose?
Don't pick up the baby too much or you spoil them / Just be in as much contact as possible
Let him cry he has to learn / Do not let him cry and comfort immediately
Even as a first time mom, the instinct is there and it will tell you what to do and what is best for your baby. Try connecting to your inner self.
Quite honestly, that is my problem. I was never able to ask for help and now I regret it. It's not because I want to look like a hero to others, but because I feel like I don't deserve help. That I am weak when I ask for help and that others can also make it without help so why i cannot. But not everyone is the same... neither the child, nor the household, nor the conditions, nor you, so you can't compare yourself. Ask someone to do the shopping, cook for you for a few days, or clean (at least wash the bathroom, who gives about ironing or windows at this moment).
A newborn can be a real chore and you want to enjoy these days as they are very quickly gone.
Especially with your husband or partner. Guys just wait 9 months, then cuddle the little one and sleep through the entire night. Unfortunately, they just do not understand or cannot imagine very well, how you actually feel, what you are going through, how mentally and physically demanding it is! You can burn up to 500 calories a day just by breastfeeding, which is equivalent to about an hour bike ride! If you feel like you're drained and want to jump through a wall after a sleepless night and a day of crying .. tell your partner and (point above) ask for help.
Whether you hire a photographer or just take pictures with your mobile phone, just go for it. Because, do not think, that you will remember it, because you won´t. For us, it's been three months since he was born and we're already marveling above photos taken back then of how tiny he was, what kind of giggles he used to make, etc. And that's something you want to look at and remember even in X years time.
Well, theoretically no, but practically it is different. During those first weeks, you will find out what works well for you and the baby, what suits you, what you are missing and, conversely, what doesn't suit you so much. I foolishly thought that I could last without nursing clothes, that we would not need a swaddle, nor a small side bed next to mine and other things. I mainly wanted to be practical as we have a small apartment and not spend too much money.
How many times have we actually bought something that was not even used or did not suit us and so it was sold (or returned) and something else was bought instead. So I advise not to buy too many things in advance and wait for the given situations to show you what is really necessary and what could be handy for your situation and life.
PIN this for later