People travel every day. They spend hours in their cars to go to work, kilometers on a train for some adventure, and they cross the whole sky on a plane to chase their holiday dreams. Moving from place to place is in our blood as we used to constantly discover new lands, islands and even entire continents, and therefore it is no wonder that some people still have that need to travel and explore.
Everything is a bit faster and more accessible nowadays.
When we have the whole world in our hands and we are able to be on the very opposite of our planet in only one day, then it is only a matter of time before we bump into someone special out there.
I suppose nobody wants to be alone, we're all looking for the right counterpart we could laugh with, get a shoulder to cry on and live a beautiful life until the very last wrinkle.

I was first kissed only when i was seventeen, and something I could call a relationship, I did not have until my twentieth. I've never felt anything special about anyone, and that's why I was surprised that i cared so much about this boy i met online on a language site and after just three months of chatting knew more about him, than many others know about their partner after years of being in a relationship.
This friendship was strange and meant a lot to me.
My first ever message sent on that site was actually to him. His eyes simply got me.
We were chatting daily about all possible and even just imaginable, i wanted to know his opinion on things and even simply see his smile.
His travels from South Africa brought him to Sweden from where it was only a small conviction and a low-cost flight away from me.
And then we met ... first time after chatting for over four months.
I was nervously knocking my knees, so hard I could barely walk towards him at the airport.
When his eyes found me, I suddenly found myself in one of those dreadfully romantic movies that I always hated so much. Those passages where everything stops, silences, and cameras focus only on the two main heroes. Their gaze and slow gait, that take away the last few meters between them.
His eyes, his smile and simply just his presence right there swept me off my feet.
Love at first sight?
Our relationship had it´s ups and downs it was joyful as well as peaceful, but we never gave up, worked on it and .. here we are .. after 9 years together, we are getting married.
BLOG from our WEDDING is coming soon ...
