There are couple of essential things to take on board, that i never leave without.
I am sure you never want to say what if or i should have. Make sure to have a look at these travel essential for spending hours on board of an aircraft.
You should know that the air on an airplane is really dry. An by dry i mean there is only 10% humidity and Sahara has 25% just btw. This air comes mainly from an air-conditioning system and might carry some dust with as well. Therefor i never travel with a full on make up and if i make sure to bring a make up remover and a moisturizer. Especially us women i bet you do not want to arrive to your destination like a dry piece of raisin to start your holiday.

As i wrote, i highly doubt you want your skin to be gray and dry, we all want to look young with a radiant skin. In this case i can recommend you to drink a lot of water BOTTLED - if you want to know more detail about the water on board READ here
For the nigh flights, make sure that you have a little bottle of your favorite make up remover and to follow the routine with thick moisturizing cream. trust me, your face will thank you later.
During the day it is good to be using the face-mist sprey and sprinkle it on your face at least once per hour (i do it twice).
And do not forget about your lips, as they are even more sensitive due to the very thin skin that covers them. Skip the long lasting and waterproof products for your lips and treat them to some lip balm or at least a lip gloss.
Even pre-covid days i could not live without my hand sanitizer. As a cabin crew i´ve seen pretty nasty things and how the aircraft is actually "cleaned" and trust me, you do want to put some at least before food and as you come back from the lavatories.
Some research actually shown, that the trays in front of you have the most amount of bacteria as these parts are usually washed very quickly or only some percentage of them. (trust me i saw a lot)
You are not alone on board and you might land up sitting close to a crying baby or a snoring person. For these occasions i always have earplugs as it is nice to be in your own little bubble. And also proper headphones, because those handed to your on board simply sucks and so you can find your-self listening to other conversations and not to the movie or music you wanted.
I usually come up with the best ideas on board and so it would be a shame to forget some of it. You can also go through your plans or meetings at the destination, to make sure that you did not forget about any part of your trip and you are ready to rock n roll.
A super must for me. If i don't have it, i land up looking around, knowing about each and every single movement. Plus, you might want to sleep and they just turn on the lights for service, or the sun is getting through windows through out the cabin.
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